Competition: Bitcoin is giving away up to 100 books on the history of Bitcoin 


About a year ago I published my book "Bitcoin - The crazy story of the rise of new money". The second edition has been on the market for about two months. If you don't have a copy yet, you can now win one in a raffle by 


Registered customers of bitqh app can take part in a competition until September 10th to get a free copy of my Book "Bitcoin - The Crazy Story of the Rise of New Money". Click here for the competition on 


I have written about the book several times here. It depicts Bitcoin in its full glory: as an exciting invention, an unexpected major economic event, a political scandal - and, perhaps most of all, as a story that is crazier than anything you see in films or read in books. Reality is often more exciting than fiction. 


The book is written simply enough to appeal to beginners who have just registered with, but also contains enough in-depth information to be a win for old hands in the Bitcoin universe too. Many readers wrote in their review that it reads so exciting that they could hardly put it down and devoured it in just a few days. More than 70 illustrations and diagrams also make the book a delight for the eyes. So I dare to claim that "Bitcoin - The Crazy Story of the Rise of New Money" is a good book for someone who wants to get a deep knowledge of Bitcoin in a simple and fun way. 


If you haven't read the book yet, you get a wonderful opportunity to get it for free in your account. If you want to find out more about the book beforehand, you can do so on the Bitcoin Book website.
